Blogger Tricks


Friday, May 20, 2011

Records vs. CD's

I'm sitting here again late at night unable to sleep and I realize "JJ you didn't write a blog today."

Here's a little question for...well...the four of you that follow my blog: Records or CD's? I know we are in the itunes age but if you had your choice, what would you choose? I've always had a small collection of records lying around my house and for years I looked for record player. I always seem to find one that doesn't work or is missing parts, so the records just sit there, actually it's been so long they are sitting at my Mom's house. About a month ago I decided that this summer I was going to have an Italian themed party called a "Wopapalooza" and I thought "I need to hit the Salvation Army and City Missions to look for decorations."

One day my friend Steve and I were at a City Mission in Schenectady perusing various polyester bell bottomed pants when I noticed a rack of Records. I started pawing through them, lo and behold I hit the gold mine of Italian Records, I thought "Yes! Perfect decorations! Amazing!" This of course led to us going to every City Mission and Salvation Army from Schenectady to Saratoga. My record obsession was back. I forgot just how great records sound. I grew up in the 80's and records where the coolest thing to buy, I miss the days of Record Town :( After snagging some great records including Xanadu, Liza Minelli, Flashdance, Vicki Carr & Air Supply. I think the best thing about going through old records is you find recordings of songs you never knew existed, by the way, did you know Liza did a semi-disco version of "Dancing in the Moonlight?" It's crazy and amusing, now all I needed was a record player.

I searched Craigslist everyday but it seemed that every turn-table was a modern one. I wanted a 70's or 80's era record player. I never found it but I didn't really care, I could keep collecting records for the sheer fun of it. Then one day at a Salvation Army I came across an Anita Bryant record, I thought to myself "I have to have this one, it's ridiculous." Of course Steve was there and his eyes lit up and he exclaimed "OMG! An Anita Bryant record is that the one where she sings Over the Rainbow?" Yes people, Miss Anita Pie in the Face Bryant covered Over the Rainbow, kind of ironic huh? Of course it wasn't that album we found that day. My friend Steve said "It's super rare!" Now we were on a mission, we looked at every single record in every single store, we went from browsing to sheer obsession looking for this record. Side note, while were digging through boxes of records we discovered that there is at least 100 copies of the Doctor Zhivago record in the capital district, believe me we saw them.

It seemed like a lost cause. I know what people are thinking "Hey idiot God created Ebay for this reason!" I know but finding it on a shelf in a City Mission is so much better. After a while I couldn't take it anymore and turned to the internet. I thought I could download it on itunes or buy a CD recording of it but alas it did not exist. I began to think Steve must have been mistaken, but he insisted he heard Dan Savage, super gay columnist talk about it. Finally I turned to Ebay, I was worried that this "rare" record would cost an arm and a leg but like so many of life's searches in the end it was very anti-climatic, this "rare" record cost me $4 plus $2 shipping and handling. The day it arrived it was like Christmas but in all the happiness I realized "I still didn't have a record player!"  Insert sad trombone sound effect here.

Although the search for the record player ended up being easier than I thought, apparently Steve gave his friend one years ago and it was sitting in his attic. Insert Halleluiah sound cue here. Steve got it and I placed that needle on the record and that sound started. That scratching sound I hadn't heard in years, then believe it or not Anita Bryant's version of Over the Rainbow wasn't that bad. All in all I miss records and now I can at least hear the forgotten sounds of records that have sat in a Salvation Army for years, but now have a second life at 8 Steeple Chase.

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