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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Germanna's Kathryn Denner awarded Teacher Innovation Grant

The Orange County Educational Foundation has honored Germanna Community College's Kathryn Denner with a Teacher Innovation Grant.
Denner (left), who is pictured with GCC Dean of Student Services Pam Frederick, will use her $250 award to purchase materials to support high achievement in mathematics as part of her Math Anxiety Reduction grant.
She's one of six recipients of OCEF's first Teacher Innovation Grants. The six teachers were selected from among 25 Orange County educators who submitted applications.
The grants were designed to assist with the development of projects to increase student achievement, promote tolerance, and exhibit new technology in the classroom.
“The Education Foundation was glad to be able to award grants to strengthen the quality of education for students in Orange County,” said Sam Kessler, chair of the OCEF Teacher Innovative Grant Committee. “We are grateful to all the teachers who submitted grant proposals and look forward to offering additional grants in the 2011-2012 school year.
Winners of this spring’s teacher innovation grants will be honored at their individual schools and as a group at 2011-2012 Convocation Ceremonies. The recipients, representing five different schools and covering students from kindergarten through post secondary education include Denner, Vickie Baker of Orange County High School, Sarah Duffy of Locust Grove Middle School and Gloria Pullen, Sharon Mohrmann and Carolyn Herndon, all of Orange Elementary School.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mid-summer update

As we sit here baking in the hot July sun, I am thankful that I am able to sit here in the relative cool of the library.  It has been a somewhat tumultuous summer so far and I thought I'd write down all that has been going on.  In late May, we found out that the Bru Crue Coffee Bar was going to have to abruptly shut down.  I, and many others, were sad to hear about this.  However, we will soon have another coffee vendor up and running - Rita's Roast Coffee Co. will be open very soon.

Our new roof has been finished and at least in some parts of the building, the reflective quality of the white vinyl may actually be helping to lower the temperature!  I'm not sure that there's any helping the Computer Lab temperature, but other parts of the second floor seem cooler.

On the subject of the public computer lab, we are exploring the cost involved in redoing the HVAC for that part of the building.  As we have discussed what to do about the computer lab, we have revisited the arrangement of the whole area north of the mezzanine.  Who knows?  By the time all is said and done, we may have a whole new look on the 2nd floor!

US Hacker gets 18-year sentence

 WASHINGTON - A US man who hacked into his neighbours Wi-Fi network and tried to anatomy them with child pornography and baleful emails to the US V.P. has comprised sentenced to 18 years in jail.

US District Judge Donovan Frank condemned Barry Ardolf, 46, on Tues after hearing to the tearful testimonial of Bethany Kostolnik, the Minneapolis Star Tribune accounted.

"My husband and I had to explicate to our young, ignorant children way too early that there are evil people in the world  and to never go in Barry Ardolf's yard," she said, according to the newspaper.

"Until Ardolf was immured, not a day glided by that I didn't entertain another attack," her husband Matt Kostolnik said.

"Barry Ardolf has demoed by his conduct that he has a dangerous man," US attorneys prosecuting the case said in court documents."When he got angry at his neighbours, he aired out his anger in a bizarre and calculated campaign of terror against them."The trouble began in August 2008 when the Kostolniks, who had just went into the neighborhood, reported Ardolf to police after he picked up their four-year-old son and kissed him on the mouth, according to US attorneys.

Ardolf then got claiming revenge by hacking into their wireless fidelity network and making fake email addresses, which he wont to send crude messages and child pornography to Matt Kostolnik's co-workers and boss, the prosecution said.

Afterward Ardolf sent threatening emails in Kostolnik's name to V.P. Joe Biden and others, investigators discovered the hacking following a search of Ardolf's home in the summer of 2009.

Ardolf initially arranged a plea deal that would have had him serve two to five years in prison, but later backed away of it and fired his attorney.In Dec Ardolf again pleaded guilty before converting his mind and trying to arrange a different deal, but the pursuing US attorney held him to the plea.

Charlie Sheen Is Dead' rumour Storms The Online
Charlie Sheen is alive and comfortably, contempt a recent online rumor that advised the former 'Two and a Half Men' star was dead. The Sheen conjecture comes just hours after a similar false rumour claimed Playboy mogul Hugh Hefner had died.

A fake story that the afflicted actor was dead got down diffusing on Twitter yesterday (12th July 2011), with fans apprehensively exploring for ratification of the news. One user re-tweeted a fake Msnbc story that read, "Charlie Sheen was found dead in his Beverly Hills early this morning, causas of his death are presently stranger" (sic), but a fan of the actor attempted to put the story to bed, tweeting, "Charlie Sheen is not dead! he just sent me a tweet RT". In point of fact, the actor accepted comprised tweeting on a regular basis throughout the day, asking fans, "could be time for an "I'll do anything party." Vegas anybody?" Rumors of the actor's passing may have originated from the news that his Two and a Half Men' character chevies to be exterminated. The actor was replaced by Ashton Kutcher for the coming new series, and writer Chuck Lorre has comprised working at ways in which to create a smooth conversion between the two stars.

Charlie Sheen is reportedly approximately agreeing a deal to return to television in afresh sitcom. Whenever applied the go-ahead, the show is likely to debut in January 2012.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Gov. McDonnell appoints former Germanna Dean Jane Ingalls to Virginia State Board of Nursing

The three deans who have overseen GCC's nursing program: Dr. Jane Ingalls, (left), the late Dale Featherston (center) and current Dean Mary Gilkey. Dr. Ingalls has been appointed to the State Board of Nursing.

Gov. Bob McDonnell has appointed a former Dean of Nursing at Germanna Community College to the Virginia State Board of Nursing.
Dr. Jane R. Ingalls of Fredericksburg is a registered nurse and Professor Emeritus at Germanna Community College, where she retired as Dean of Nursing in 2009.
"I have so much respect for the Board of Nursing staff and the members of the Board," Dr. Ingalls said.
She did an internship with the Board of Nursing in 1993, when she was working toward her doctorate.
Dr. Ingalls said the function of the board is "to protect the health, safety and well being of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia," through both practices and the education of future nurses. "That's a pretty important task. I'm just really honored to be appointed. It's a real opportunity for me to serve."
GCC Dean of Nursing Mary Gilkey R.N. said the Board's mission of assuring "quality patient care delivery by caring and competent caregivers" is dear to Dr. Ingalls' heart. Gilkey said Dr. Ingalls' experience as a nurse educator and care advocate "will serve all Virginians well ... and, most assuredly, assist us all to best define the future of nursing."
Along with Dr. Ingalls, Gov. McDonnell appointed Evelyn A. Lindsay of Richmond, an LPN at Virginia Commonwealth University Health System, and
Trula E. Minton of Richmond, Chief Nursing Officer at CJW Medical Center.

Truth that Cannot Be Covered - Bersih 2.0 09/07/2011


Malaysian break news after assembly for bersih 2.0
watch this video to see what happened at the gathering

Trekking through the wilderness

From time to time we all take journeys through the wilderness.  Sometimes these journeys are figurative, sometimes they are literal and sometimes they are both.  This past week I took a little time off and with parts of my family, I took a literal journey through the wilderness:

This is, of course, the Grand Canyon.  A place so massive it defies description; in places so remote you could walk off the trail and never be found again.  The trail shown in this picture is one of the most popular trails in the canyon, the Bright Angel.  Thousands of people use it every year to travel to or from the south rim and the Colorado river.  While we were hiking along through 30+ miles of this place, I did some thinking, not really about libraries but about choosing paths.  I found out that our trip - south rim to north rim and back again - is a rare occurrence, comparatively speaking.  Most people (90% of all visitors) descend and return at the south rim.  So, where will the library go on its journey?

What is my point with this entry?  The picture above is the sort of place that libraries and library services are negotiating in a figurative way.  As media have changed and services shift from the own-and-share to the buy- or pay-as-you-go, relevance for libraries has come into question.  The Hutchinson Public Library is on a hike through the wilderness right now and we need all the information we can get.  Soon we will begin purchasing ebook content in earnest.  The State Library is doing a pilot project with 3M, our contract is up for renewal with OverDrive.  The bottom line is that things WILL change here and ahead of that we will ask for your input.  Please help us by participating in any upcoming surveys.  Your input will influence our decisions.  You have the opportunity to hike with us through the wilderness and help keep the Hutchinson Public Library a relevant and USEFUL service in our community for years to come!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

David Beckham, Provide The Name Of The Child: Harper Seven Beckham


Natalie Portman First reported by name to her first child is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Now David and Victoria Beckham have made her daughter's middle name inspired by the number.

David Beckham announced on Facebook that he and his wife Victoria Beckham named their new baby - born Sunday morning at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles - September Harper Beckham.

"I'm so proud and pleased to announce the birth of our daughter, Harper, Seven Beckham," soccer star said. "He weighed a healthy 7 pounds 10 ounces, and arrived at 7.55 this morning, here in Los Angeles."

The number seven in this prayer - not to mention the fact that Stephen Harper was born in the seventh month, and David Beckham met with more luck than No. 7 when he played for Manchester United - Perhaps inspired by her baby (spice) first child.

In fact, though, I think they took a little advice on "Seinfeld" George Costanza.

So what do you think of this name? Is your opinion more Costanza (pro)? More Susan (con)? Or divided down the middle: Harper pro, con, but in September? The comments section of this post is waiting for your sentences Celebrity Baby Name.

Nong Poy Beautiful Ladyboy

His real name is Treechada Petcharat. But it is a popular name. Its popular name is Nong Poy Treechada. And 'from Thailand. In the background a beautiful woman, in fact, is a man who had sex reassignment surgery at age seventeen. He is 171 cm tall and weighs about 48 kg. He felt the feminine soul, when he was in a zone. He felt at ease the woman's body, and dreamed of becoming a woman. He felt uncomfortable in his "private life", has decided to change to become a woman. When it performs a sex change.

For the first time felt fear, but after consulting with the doctor more. He chooses to. He felt pain after surgery. But now that was a great success. His goal was achieved. Two years after surgery, she won a beauty contest "Miss Tiffany. When I was 19. During the same years, Nong Poy became Miss International Queen (lady boy) in 2004. Many people appreciate not only cause international achievements. But the beauty that has naturally acquired as a result of post-surgery and hormone therapy. She became a model, advertising, television presenter in Thailand today. She is very talented. From the beauty and intelligence.

History of sex-change operation

Sex change operation from male to female in modern times became a citizen of the United States. He was a U.S. Army soldier named George Jorgensen, and then changed its name became Christine (1926-1989). The operation was carried out in Denmark in 1952, bringing the male genitalia Jorgensen.

Japan Creates The World's Most Unique Barcode


Japan create  the unique barcode 

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