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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Glee with me Sue Sylvester

I was going to write a blog about all the nightmares I've been having and all the dumb websites that tell me crashing a car means new things and breaking your leg means something stupid like wanting to take a vacation. A nightmare or dream should just mean what it is!

Before I sat down to write the "Nightmare" blog, I watched last nights episode of Glee online and then read my favorite recap blog on or depending on which site lists it. Let me just say this about the episode and the blog I read.

Last night's episode was about the Glee club preparing for nationals but most importantly and sadly the death of Sue Sylvester's sister. I have to say I always love Jane Lynch on Glee. I fell in love with her portrayal of Sue in the episode where we first meet her sister. Sue's sisters character has downs syndrome and in an amazing scene we see Sue's true self while she is reading a story to her sister. This episode made Jane Lynch's Sue Sylvester one of the most popular on TV. It showed that she has, dare I say a "soft spot" for handicapped people. She even employs one of my favorite Glee characters Becky, a student who has down syndrome and Sue let join the cheer leading team The Cheerios. It also lead to so many funny scenes with both characters including my favorite where Sue is dressed up like the Grinch and Becky is dressed up like a Rein-dog, complete with a cute little black nose. So last night's episode really hit me hard and was a bit bittersweet. It showed Sue kicking Becky off the Cheerios because she reminded her of her sister. The Glee club comes to her rescue (well just Kurt and Finn at first) and plan her sister's funeral. Sue doesn't want to plan it because she was worried no one would come. Jane Lynch is truly amazing in this episode and the two moments where Jane shines is the first moment she tells the character Will Shuster that her sister has died and after being yelled at by Kurt, she goes to storm out before turning to admit she was worried no one would come. Each scene hit me and I truly believe that anyone who has ever lost anyone was effected by this episode. During her speech at the funeral Sue says she wants ten more seconds with her sister, is that too much to ask? She also says she will miss the simple things like the smell of her sister's shampoo. The Glee club performs "Pure Imagination" from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory while they play a video of Sue and her Sister. This scene is amazing, I know I'm gushing over this episode but there are times where I hate Glee and there are times like this where I fall back in love with it. Of course the episode ending with Sue welcoming Becky back to the Cheerios blaming her dismissal on menopause and promotes her to captain, all Sue asked for is a hug and in a great TV moment Becky hugs her tight and Sue takes a deep breath smelling the shampoo and getting her ten seconds she so much wanted. Magic :)

After watching the episode I surfed over to read my blog. I know the blog is meant to just do a recap. It always talks about Brittany and Santana & Kurt and Blaine, I usually get a good laugh because I truly love Britana. The person who writes the blog loves Kurt, even mentioning in this recap about the only person she wants to defend against another character is Kurt. She even gushes about Kurt's singing in last night's episode and his choreography and his outfit (um I just need to say this and I share this feeling with a lot of friends, Kurt lives in Ohio right? Someone tell the costume designer to tone it down a bit). There was a whole paragraph about his outfit! I love the character Kurt, I like so many gay people are happy to see an out gay character on TV but I feel like the writers are going to far with the Kurt angst. The show is truly an ensemble and now since Chris Cofler won a golden globe it seems other characters are taking a backseat to Kurt. Last night's episode was about Sue's lose and my blog writer I so much love put Kurt into it more than needed. I totally for acceptance but I don't feel for the character Kurt, I did before but now it's becoming too much of a character...It's not real anymore. Kurt's bully Dave Korovsky at this point is a more interesting character, his struggle is silent and more powerful than Kurt's. Of course this is my opinion and all though it frustrates me at times I will always read my Glee recap blog.

So all in all Sue I love you and sadly Kurt I'm a little tired of you for right now, I know I'll come around again because there will be a point when the writers will make me love you again.

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