Blogger Tricks


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Gay Guys can have guy friends? WHAAAAT!?!?!?

I have a lot of friends, 80% of them are women and 20% of them are guys. The guys breakdown to 50% straight 50% gay. A lot of people always ask me how come I don't hang out with more of my "community members?" I have to say my "community" includes gay & straight...mostly straight girls :) It's not that I'm not into "community," I just find that the bulk of the people that are into "community" only hang out with other "community" members. They never let their circle grow bigger. That's just not me.

The second reason I tend to not surround myself with just "community" members is very simple, it is always assumed that when you are hanging out with a friend it means you must be sleeping together. I don't know how many times I've had to say "No, we are just friends, I'm allowed to have gay guy friends." I'm not single but my partner doesn't enjoy the bar scene as much as me, he would rather just relax at home and I enjoy a drink out. It doesn't mean that because we aren't out together something must be wrong and I'm sleeping with whomever I'm out with. For as much as a "community" is about friends it's the "community" that assumes the most.

Wow I kind of sound like a bitch huh? LOL. Oh well, that's what blogging is for right? To say what's on your mind. So in the the end, it is what it is...friends, not lovers...I mean look at me and my I look like I want to sleep with a twink? Also answer this question, a Bear and a Twink could marry but where would they register?

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