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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kate Middleton's Crowns

More intriguing syncs related to my last post on the Royal Wedding.

Kate (Catherine) Elizabeth Middleton was born on January 9, 1982 in Reading, England. Strangely there is no publicly known time of birth. By simply looking at the position of the planets it is clear there are a lot of nice astrological connections between her and Prince Williams charts.

Although it is generally considered that she is a "commoner" there is evidence that her family bloodline goes back to a 14th century monarch King Edward III. Ms. Middleton works in the fashion industry, and is known for wearing English hats with great style. Hats are like crowns. . . and in her case they often look like halos.

I am also wondering if her given name, Catherine, is symbolically represented in these hats. Named after St. Catherine, a Catherine Wheel was a torture device. It also shows up as a spiraling firework, and in new age symbolism as a portal like the Norway Spiral.

And speaking of crowns, which one do you think Ms. Middleton will select for her Royal Wedding? Although I love the 6 petaled diamond tiara in the front, my guess is that the future Princess of Wales will select, or be told to take, the one on the left with the five petaled flowers and crescent moon reflecting the stars above her wedding. The 5 petaled flower symbolizes Venus' 8 year transit during which time it completes its cosmic pentagram in the sky. It's no coincidence that Waity Katy's waited 8 years for her Prince to put a ring on it.

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