Blogger Tricks


Monday, October 24, 2011


“I am the Zodiac” (redux)

October 02, 2011


There was this movie on the infamous Zodiac killer on the electric tee-vee Saturday night, which got us thinking of the Z-Man once again.

We did a Photo of the Day piece on the Z-Man in August of last year and caught all sorts of hell from some armchair Zodiac sleuth, but that’s a whole other story.

Anyway, the Zodiac targeted, stalked and killed people for ten months in Northern California in the late 1960’s and just freaked everybody out down there because (a) the guy was very good at his work and (b) the cops could never catch him and (c) he sent all these weird coded and threatening letters to the local papers and the cops taunting them all which tended to reinforce the freakishness of the whole affair.

The Z-man claimed up to 37 kills but the cops could only tie him to seven murders.

Anyhooo, today’s Photo of the Day is a photo of the actual letter the Zodiac sent to the San Francisco Chronicle telling the newspaper’s editors that it was he who killed a cab driver in San Francisco.

The Zodiac was one sick twist all right. But he was also cunning and seemingly very intelligent.

And those are the worst kind because left unmolested they get better and better at what they do, learn to enjoy it more and usually can’t be stopped unless you put a bullet in their addled brain or lock them up.

Nobody knows why the Zodiac apparently stopped killing and writing letters and vanished into the ether.

We say apparently because he could have moved somewhere else, even to another country, and continued happily offing people for a very long time before he croaked from a massive heart attack, died from cancer or got killed on the freeway.

But if you, dear reader, could ever solve this baffling case you would make some serious money and have a free lunch for the rest of your life from one end of this great (but broke) country to the other.

And that’s a fact Jack.

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