Blogger Tricks


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What did you do this summer?

Here's what we did.  Our amazing staff here at the Hutchinson Public Library did the following June through August:

  • 550+ - the number of children hosted at our Summer Celebration party.
  • 109,569 - the number of items checked out (and back in again).
  • 1,333 - the number of children attending summer story times
  • 3,826 - the number of questions answered in our Reference Department
  • 458 - the number of children who turned in their completed reading logs
  • 4,580 - the MINIMUM number of books read by those 458 children!
  • 1 - the number of new reading spaces we opened (come see the new Quiet Reading Room!)
  • 1 - the number of new coffee bar proprietors in the library (visit Rita's Roast!)
What will we do next?  I don't know for sure, but we have some plans... (cue ominous music)

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