Blogger Tricks


Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm not in the best of moods for reasons I would rather not talk about right now so I'll just stick to diet and posting thinspo and save non-thinspo pictures and other ramblings for another time.

Tomorrow is looking like a good day to liquid fast.  I'm think tea, coffee, water, and 3 scoops (max) protein powder.  Technically the powder would be a solid but whatever.  I'll try to go as long as I can.  Hopefully I can at least make it until I get off work on Tuesday (2:30).  I'll start at midnight and try to go until at least 2:30 on Tuesday.  If I can, I'll go until supper (which would most likely be 6-ish).  I'll weigh in tomorrow then not again until Friday.  I'm going to try to fast Thursday too.  And I'm going to exercise.  I'm thinking about doing a diet.  Probably the SGD (although I may not be able to do the fast at the end) but maybe the Thin Skinny Slim diet (not sure if I would be able to a fasting day every 10 days).  But I would probably start next Monday if I do it.  It'll depend on how this week goes.  I'll restrict as much as possible.  I bought 2 pints of grape tomatoes today and there's broccoli, green beans, and asparagus in the freezer so I'll have plenty of veggies to eat when I'm not fasting.  I may buy some fruit or more veggies.  I'll see how tomorrow goes and maybe buy some Tuesday if I have the money.  I'll take 2 (and if needed, 4) Dexatrim each day and I'll tell you how my hunger was the next day (like Tuesday I'll tell you how my hunger was on Monday and on Friday I'll tell you how my hunger was on Thursday and so on).  And Friday I'll post how much weight I lost.  So yeah.  That's like all I have to day.  So some thinspo.


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