Blogger Tricks


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Amazing Post it Notes War in Paris Collection (PICS)

In 105 AD, Cai Lun (China, Han Dynasty) constructed paper out of plant fibers. Fragments of what may have led to paper have been found earlier, but Lun is credited with the invention of modern paper. Prior to the invention of paper, the Chinese wrote on bamboo tablets. The tablets were very heavy, and the lighter alternative, silk was too costly for regular use. Early paper was made with Mulberry bark. There are records of paper being used without writing for the preservation of tea and protection of fragile items. Before the introduction of wood pulp in 1843, paper production relied on recycled materials.
In 1968, Spencer Silver, 3M chemist, developed a special, pressure-sensitive adhesive. No one cared. Then several years later, Art Fry, a genius, thought of combining this revolutionary adhesive with  paper to create the ultimate hymnal bookmark. (He loved his Jesus.) And thus, in 1977 the Press ‘n Peel was born! Success wasn’t instant. It wasn’t until 1980, when the product hit US shelves as Post-it Notes, that people realized the sticky notes’ value! A year later Canadians and Europeans all over were able to enjoy the many solutions that post-it notes had to offer.
The classic canary yellow that was featured on the original notes was actually just scrap paper from another company. You can still buy that color or you can choose from a variety of bold neons or pastels. The post-it note technology led to many other products including: post-it flags, pop up notes, super sticky post-its, post-it easel, and the dynamic duo. They also have recycled post-it notes for those of you interested in being green!
Recently, post-it has released an  iphone/ipad app that successfully digitizes the iconic post-it note. It allows users to create note with standard computer text and hand drawn images, etc and share it with friends or even the world.
Artists have used post-notes to create art:

You may not have heard on the news, but there is a war raging in Paris, and it's spreading across Europe as we speak. The weapon of choice: Post-it notes, with a hearty helping of serious creativity.
 It all began with video game developer Ubisoft, then the battle quickly caught on between neighboring office buildings, and the rest is history.
Most of the subjects of choice revolve around video games (starting with Mario and friends) and cartoons, though a few brave souls have expanded the selection of characters to include some unexpected faces. All you fashionistas out there ought to appreciate this particular homage to designers Jean Paul Gaultier, Karl Lagerfeld, and Sonia Rykiel (below).
Other popular characters: Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Tetris, and my personal favorite, Angry Birds.

Though, the pièce de résistance has to be this multi-story masterpiece:

postitwar 470x626 Ubisofts Post It Note War 
‘Make post-it art not war’. That could be slogan of these French workers who are currently fighting an art battle on their office windows, using multicoloured sticky notes. What a cool idea. I wonder what their employers say about the waste of office materials, though. 
post it note wars (2)
post it note wars (3)
post it note wars (4)
post it note wars (5)
post it note wars (6)
post it note wars (7)

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