Blogger Tricks


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Be Creative People

Just for fun article from the blog admin online business newbies who want to vent a little that the importance of action steps, if done with creativity, after I noticed that successful people work harder than them in maximizing their capabilities are also people who have creative and innovative nature

As an example of a creative person is someone who steals, mecontek, imitate, imitate the skill or knowledge someone and then develop their knowledge and duplicate mengaplikasikankannya not 100 percent, so you'll still below their capabilities.

Example is in part the nature of the Japanese in which he mecontek product / western science is very great and the creative steps to find and fix bugs and develop it so that the results are far more sophisticated and powerful than the original product.

So .. create a creature / dedemit uncreative adjust as your ugly trait that only depend on the ability of other people without any development, certainly people like you will be stuck in everything and you certainly will not be more severe.

Let's not much time now to cultivate slogan Stop Dreaming Start Action in a consistent, focused and measurable and must be creative

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