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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Eggs Easter Around the World (PICS)

Amplify’d from

Bilby of Australia

It is said that Australians are the largest consumers of Easter eggs in the world, but as the Easter bunny is known to have a bad history of destroying the vegetable crops, the eggs are strangely provided by the Easter Bilby (an endangered species of Australia).

Easter Bilby, Copyright © Australian Bilby Appreciation Society

Palm LeavesEthiopia

Ethiopian Easter festival – also known as Fassika – is a special holiday celebrated by a noble feast featuring a large loaf of sourdough bread called “Dabo”. Generosity plays a fundamental role of the Easter holiday in Ethiopia. Visitors are greeted with a slice of “Dabo” as a means of honoring the crucifixion of Christ.

Additionally, the Ethiopians wear white clothing exemplifying purity and display headbands created from palm leaves symbolizing the actual palm leaves during Jesus’ passage before crucifixion.” (Via Associated Content).

Ethiopian Easter Ceremony, Source:

Easter in France

12000 eggs for only one omelet on Easter Monday!! This makes me hungry… :D

Egg Omelette, Haux, France, Source: Knowing Nantes

Huge omelet in Saint Aubin, Copyright © La Petite Sieste

Easter tree in Germany

A decorated tree with more than 9000 Easter eggs in Saalfeld, eastern Germany. Though this tradition could remind us of the pagan ideas of sacrificing animals on trees, the egg is connected to the ideas of rebirth and resurrection associated with Easter. Pretty cute! :D

Easter tree, Copyright © AP Photo/Jens Meyer

Blood of Christ – Greece

The Greeks dye the Easter eggs all in one color: RED (as a symbol for Jesus’ blood).  The eggs are used in making Easter bread.

Via Greek Recipies – Red Easter Eggs

Via Greek Recipies – Greek Easter Brioche

Shower time for Hungary!!!

A bucket of water is poured onto a woman of the Paloc minority, dressed in her traditional clothing, in Holloko, 100 km north-east of Budapest, Hungary. The actual event takes place on Sunday and Monday.

Typical Hungarian Easter tradition when men pour water on women, Copyright © AP Photo/Bela Szandelszky

Decorating wells in Switzerland

The Frankonian Swiss have an old Easter tradition of decorating wells in order to celebrate the gift of water: life. They decorate wells with beautifully painted eggs and spring flowers…

Learning the meanings – United States

When I found this picture, I remembered my grandma used to grow wheat too before Easter… like Angela says, to celebrate  ”birth, growth, the resurrection and life”. It’s spring time. So wonderful…

Wheat Grass, Copyright © Angela

The Easter Bunny

It is said that the small, little bunny first went to Germany almost 500 years ago, early 16th century… Bringing Easter eggs has its origins in Alsace and the Upper Rhineland, both then in the Holy Roman Empire, and southwestern Germany. In the 18th century, the German Easter Bunny left for a world tour and stopped in the United States, in the Pennsylvania Dutch country. The arrival of the Osterhase was considered one of “childhood’s greatest pleasures”, similar to the arrival of Kris Kringle on Christmas Eve. In the 19th century, people admired him so much that they started to make eatable Easter bunnies of pastry and sugar. That is why the Easter bunny can’t be less real than Santa Claus!! Happy Easter everyone!!!

People asked themselves for many ages what came first, the chicken or the egg… I bet on the Easter Bunny!

As a child, my Easters were all almost the same: same movie every year for many, many years in the row, same bad paint for painting the eggs, same funny bunny I never saw, but always brought me chocolate with plastic surprises closed inside. The happiest Easter celebrations of my life!

Because there was peace and wonderful moments spent with my family. Although the movie never changed, I liked it because it was somewhat part of our yearly tradition, full of warmth and goodness. Decorating the eggs was fun because even the paint was bad, before dying them we put them into thin socks with leaves sticked on them (the sock was there to keep the leaves and flowers sticked on the egg), and when we got the eggs out of the paint they had beautifully shaped stains on the colored surface (in the place of the leaves).

Via Grapefruits

And the BUNNY!!! He always brought me chocolate eggs with surprises: weird, ugly plastic rings. That was before Kinder appeared. But I must admit chocolate was great! Better than any surprise. That was the biggest joy… When I was asking my parents where the bunny go, they were always answering: “It is hiding”. So I never got to see the Easter bunny, but I could bet all the best eggs came from him and not from chickens! Against all odds! :) )

But that’s what Easter traditions mean to me… For people around the world Easter celebrations and customs vary from country to country. Some are strange or funny, others are interesting and tasty. ;)


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