Blogger Tricks


Monday, May 23, 2011

Horoscopes. Are you like shoes?

I love reading horoscopes. Although they drive me up a wall sometimes, SOMETIMES!, they actually make sense. One looks at a facebook horoscope and it sends you into a panic attack because it says "it's time for a change." With what?!?!? Change of a job or change of underwear? Then panicked you go to yahoo, where it says "Wealth is coming your way, not a good time for a change." Um, didn't facebook just say change? Okay I'll look somewhere else. "Travel is good for you today" says another page and then the next says "stay inside today and relax." Which one do I believe?

I ask this question of my four followers: Do we search the horoscopes, try them all on for size and then choose the one that fits us best?

It's easy to tell the horoscopes to f-off but happens when it keeps you up at night thinking: "What the hell is the universe trying to tell me? And which universe is talking because I'm getting 8 answers a day!"

I would love to just stop reading them but then you get an idea in your head about issues and one horoscope shows you a glimmer of hope and then the next one squashes it!

For someone like me who tries to solve things internally looking at horoscopes usually helps, but I'm finding them now to be muddy. I've been told 100 times to look at yourself and you will find the answers, but honestly anyone who makes decisions but solely on looking at themselves is a big old fibber! Yes, I just said fibber. If someone only makes decisions looking at themselves how the heck can you weigh the pros and cons properly? I guess if answers were easy the universe would cross check each other and not send us all on a wild goose chase!

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