Blogger Tricks


Monday, October 3, 2011

The Persistent Blogger: Keep Blogging!

The Persistent Blogger: Keep Blogging!

If you’re blogging your heart out, and aren’t setting the world on fire, it’s tempting to give up.
“I even told my coach that I would email my subscribers to tell them I was going to put all of my blogging on hold for awhile. For some odd reason, I could not send the email. Logically it made sense to quit. After six months I didn’t have a lot to show for it, but I couldn’t pull the trigger.
A week after that feeling the first journalist contacted me.
Action #2: Listen to your gut! If you feel pulled to continue, do it.”
It’s a story I often hear from my writing students (before they become my students).
They fail to realize that their blog is an asset. Your blog is your platform. It helps you to stand out. Many bloggers have been hired by companies because of their blog.
A long history of blogging tells potential hirers a lot about you — fundamentally, that you believe in yourself and your vision.
It takes time to make an impact. Don’t give up. You could be inches away from gold.
I started blogging ten years ago, and loved it from the start. Back then, my writer friends thought I was crazy, but I kept blogging anyway. They’re all blogging now. :-)
Here are some tips to help if you feel you want to toss in the towel:
* Take a break. Never make decisions when you’re depressed;
* Collect email addresses. Give away a freebie. The benefit of collecting email addresses is that you can contact readers. Send out a message to your readers and ask them what they want. Your connection to your readers boosts your motivation;
* Exchange posts with another blogger in your niche. You’ll gain a fresh perspective when you’re working with someone.
Keep blogging — you never know what’s around the corner.

Blogging makes a great home business

Many bloggers blog full time in their blogging home business, and earn a great income – much more than they could earn at a job.
Discover how you can make money blogging, with Angela Booth’s blogging bestseller, Blogging for Dollars – blogging is fun, and profitable.

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