Blogger Tricks


Monday, October 3, 2011

How To Make Money With AdSense

How To Make Money With AdSense

Note:  There are many ways to use AdSense in order to make a quick buck on the web.  New software and various systems are being created daily just for this purpose.  I personally am not a fan of those tactics.  Sure they are quick and easy but will usually get you banned from the AdSense program or get your websites de-indexed from Google.  The Warrior Forum is full of Internet marketers will those types of stories.  I do not want to be one of them and so all my how to instructions are slow, methodical and geared toward long term cash generation.

What Do You Know About

If you want to make money on the Internet you will have to write a lot.  Creating an informative and relevant website will require that you create a lot of articles (aka content) about a particular topic.
Make a list of everything you know about.  It could be related to work or things you like to do.
Put down on paper as many things as you can think about.

Eliminate All Non Product Specific Keywords

Cross out all keyword and phrases that are not product related.
For clarification let me rephrase that statement.  Put a line through everything you wrote down that you cannot buy somewhere and physically pick up.  This includes all services and most forms of entertainment.
For example you would cross out a keyword like “playing tennis” or “fixing cars.”  You cannot pick those things up.  Making a website around anything other than actual physical items will result in tons of traffic and an extremely low click-through-rate.

Make Sure Your Topic Is Somewhat Profitable

Some people like to create a couple websites around very profitable keywords.
Others like to create many websites around low to medium paying keywords with little to no competition.
Both strategies work.
Make sure though that you can make at least fifty dollars a month off a keyword.  Use the Google Keyword AdWords Tool to do this.
You can use this tool to find out:
  • The total number of monthly searches on Google
  • The average cost-per-click for a specific word or phrase
There is other information on this tool but those are the only numbers you should be concerned with.
Multiply the cost-per-click by 65% to see what a typical click should theoretically bring you.
Next, multiply the total number of monthly searches by 40%. This is the minimum amount of traffic you could expect if you ranked in position one for your keyword.
Now multiply your cost-per-click by the volume you can expect if you were in position one.
The formula looks like this:
(CPC x .65)(Average Monthly Exact Volume x .40)= What You Will Make Off AdSense Should You Get To Position One
Again, you want to be able to make at least $50 per month off a website for it to be worth it.

Research Your Topic Thoroughly

Its vital that you become familiar with your topic.  For this to happen you need to study and understand everything there is to know about your keyword.
Look at the top ten websites that are already ranking for that word.  Take notes.  What do you notice that is eye catching or interesting.
By the time you open up your desktop and write your first article you should have pages of notes compiled about your topic. Wikihow is an excellent source for information about almost anything you can think about.

Start Writing

If you have read any of my posts before you are aware that I am a huge fan of WordPress.  I love this CMS (content management system) and would not use anything else.
But that is just my opinion. Any platform that conforms to W3C standards is okay with me.
Write as many posts as you can.  In the early stages of a new blog or website it is important to post often in order to keep the search engine spiders coming back.  They are virtual machines that eat up content and when they see you keep generating it they start visiting more often.
Please do not worry about keyword stuffing or proper keyword density.  It will get you nowhere.  Some people act like this is 2000 and Yahoo is still the major search engine in the world.  They are not and placing your keyword excessively in your content will only hurt your reputation with Google.

Build Links Only After Three Months

This is a mistake that many Internet marketers make.  They build links way to fast and do not vary their anchor text up enough.
Do yourself a favor and forget about your link profile until several months have passed.  Three months is the minimum but if you are patient wait longer.
I know you want to rush things but building a profitable website is like making alcohol.  It has to ferment.  You put all the ingredients in a barrel and then you let it sit for a while.
Many of you who are reading this article right now will not listen.  I didn’t listen when someone gave me this advice so how could I expect the same from many of you.
But I have to say, for people who prefer to learn by others mistakes, that I sand-boxed into oblivion five websites that I probably never will be able to make money from because I started building tons of links to them shortly after I launched them.
In the beginning your main focus needs to be on your content and making it as informative as you can.  After some time you can engage in article writing, link exchanges, directory submissions, guest postings and “sponsored links.”

Place AdSense Ad Blocks In Proper Places

When you build your daily traffic up to comfortable levels you can place AdSense blocks on your website.  Make sure you follow the Google Heat Map. Stay away from the right sidebar!
I like the 336*280 ad block.  It converts the best.
Also, I have found that the “default Google palette” works the best for almost any theme.  The combination of white, blue, green and black seem to catch user’s attention the most.

Test and Tweak

Will an ad block convert better in the beginning, middle or end of your article?  Is it worth adding text link ads at the top within your header?  Should you get get rid of all ads within the sidebar altogether because of their poor conversion rates?
These are questions that you can only answer with time.  You will need to continually tweak your website to find the best possible combination.
Repeat everything I have just wrote again, and again and watch your online Google AdSense revenue grow over time.

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