Blogger Tricks


Monday, October 3, 2011

Internet Marketing Services

Internet Marketing Services

Search Engine Optimization Services

Most small business websites are built by web designers. They usually know little or nothing about search engine optimization. For the website owner, this is a problem. Search engine optimization (SEO for short) is the craft of writing and structuring a website so it ranks well in the search engines and delivers relevant vistors to your site. SEO must be applied to such factors as text, keywords, internal linking, external linking, and meta tags, to name the most common issues. We possess the expertise to optimize your site, so it will be ranked highly by the search engines for a variety of search terms, and  we make sure the optimization is properly integrated into your online marketing program. For a full list of features provided in our search engine optimization package, see our internet marketing pricing page.

Essential Link-Building Package

 Regardless of what type of site you have, whether it's a site for a local business, a national site, or an ecommerce site, there is going to be a core group of links that you will absolutely need for effective online marketing. Exactly which links you need depends on the nature of your site. Our Essential Link-Building Package is the next marketing step after your site is fully optimized. It provides a core group of important links pointing to your site and helps drive traffic and improve your search engine ranking. For a full list of components in the Essential Link-Building Package, see our internet marketing pricing page.

Custom SEO Campaigns

Depending on your site and industry, the complete SEO of your website may be sufficient to rank your site higher in the search engines. Quite possibly, you may want the significant additional exposure that an Essential Listings Package will bring you. But, if you are in a competitive business environment, or simply want to take your site to the next level, you may want to consider a custom SEO campaign. A custom campaign, based on a comprehensive review of your goals, and your competitive landscape, is the most effective way to establish your site as an "authority site" in your niche. The  strategic approach to an SEO campaign will help your site rise above the noise of the internet. For more details on custom SEO campaigns and online publicity, see our internet marketing pricing page. 

Website Design

Despite the immense changes taking place on the web, especially in the area of social media, it is still crucial to have a well-designed, informative website to showcase your business to customers, and to generate sales or leads. A website is still the foundation of your online marketing strategy. If you don’t have a website, you almost certainly need one to compete online. Our team of highly-skilled designers and developers can build whatever type of website your business demands. From simple brochure type sites that showcase a small business, to e-commerce stores, to database-driven sites, we have the team to meet your needs and position your business for online success. Click here to see some of the sites in our portfolio.

Custom Link Building

The acquisition of relevant, one way links to your website is still the most important component of good SEO, and it is often the most difficult task. Link building, for the beginner, is full of pitfalls, ranging from merely wasting time, to getting your site penalized by the search engines. In short, it needs to be done correctly, by experienced link builders. Link building is always a core strategic goal of our custom SEO campaigns.

Social Media Strategies

Beginning several years ago with blogging, the advent of so-called “social media” has revolutionized the internet marketing world, and will continue to do so in new ways. Online marketing resources such as blogging, user-review sites, bookmarking and sharing sites, social sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and more, can all be selectively utilized as part of a well-executed SEO campaign. We will evaluate your online marketing strategy, and help you get started with the tactics that will best serve your business and marketing goals.

Pay per Click

For some businesses, pay per click marketing, (such as Google Adwords), where you run ads on various search engines or their networks, and pay for each click to your site, can make a lot of sense. For others, it can be a complete waste of time and money. We have managed pay per click advertising for many of our clients, and can help you determine if you should be doing it, and if so, we make sure you do it right, with the best return on every dollar spent.

Web Analytics

This is the art and science of measuring and tracking everything that is happening at your website and other online venues. It is a crucial part of measuring your search engine optimization. You need to know who is visiting your site, how they found you, what they are reading on your site, how long they are staying, and whether they are taking that all-important next step, be it sending an email, placing an order, or making a phone call. With a good analytics program in place, you can track all of this and more. It’s one of the easiest and cheapest things you can do to help your internet marketing – it provides you with the information you need to move forward and improve. Yet the majority of small business websites woefully under-utilize this amazing tool. We don’t let that happen to our clients! We set you up with web analytics, and start monitoring how your site is doing from day one.

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