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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Overcome the tedium and boredom

Enjoy the Day with Inspiration and Creation
Doing the little things that mean more valuable than just expecting great things without effort.
saturated magesSetiap day we perform a variety of activities ranging from waking to sleep again. Learn, play, go to school, work or just sit thoughtfully. Have we appreciate the meaning of all the activities we do, enjoy it or just live it? Often we are bored with what we experience?
If we already have these questions, CONGRATULATIONS! ... Means we still have a desire to know and the dynamic power of thought. The question will inevitably arise when we feel bored with what we experience. Saturation, boredom. To overcome this, we must find out the root of it is boredom, so they can find ways to work around.
Generally, we feel bored because there are vacant in our hearts. That could happen because of something that is monotonous, routine, and there is not harmony. Not everyone likes order, much like the challenge. Something we are looking to overcome the boredom is inspiration. While the gap is able to eliminate boredom creations. Inspiration and creation are two of the ideas that can touch the soul to feel and taste. Peddling thought to continue to flow and lead to a work that can, even ordinary extraordinary. The inspiration was born from the vision, hearing forwarded to the fields desires, hopes, dreams and ideals. Creative inspiration to grow because of the urge to boldly create and realize it's something to be real.
Many reading can stimulate the growth of inspiration. With a lot of reading, we became a lot to learn. With a lot to learn, we can produce creations and work. Reading here is not simply read a series of characters, but read by involving elements of the sensitivity of the ears, hearts and minds, so that our souls inspired to create. Medium such as this, not necessarily the things that seem large, but can start from small things that we experience everyday that just makes us feel saturated earlier. As an illustration, we often feel tired of eating cireng (snacks made of corn starch fried dough) with standard flavors (salty savory). Boredom can make us think to make a variety of flavors cireng. Cireng oncom contents, the contents of chicken, cheese, meat content, and content of sausages. When the mind is of the senses and our desire to try, then this is the inspiration. This inspiration can be developed into a creative ideas and produce work that liked and enjoyed by others. Creative ideas is what will be a creation.
Creations born of courage to try and dare to be different. Something that is considered creative is different from most and unusual. At first, the illustrations as cireng various taste may be only one or two people who developed, so many hunt culinary connoisseurs such snacks until out of town. Snacks that differs from taste, packaging, even the regular price. During its development, many people who later inspired and create a more varied taste. So, people who want to read, dare to try and create something to sharpen the intelligence of thoughts, feelings and actions in order to escape from boredom.
Read from the things we see, read from the personal that we often encounter, read from the experience of anyone who ever experienced and read from all desires and reality. Then, try to do something that we can, we expect and we want it. Try to make something that we read to be real. Undoubtedly more meaningful life even though it's simple. The idea was never to die while we still have a sense of curiosity, would think and would attempt to make it happen.

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