Blogger Tricks


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I weighed more than 115 this morning.  I don't want to say how much more.  I really should fast, but I kinda think I should restrict and I'll fast tomorrow.  I have to go pay my phone tomorrow so I'll have to leave early, so I should be able to get away with fasting.  I'm aiming for less than 500, but definitely less than 800, today.  And tomorrow I will fast all day and then hopefully up until supper Friday.  If my fast starts at midnight tonight and I fast all day tomorrow (24 hours) and through 6 pm tomorrow (another 18 hours and that's usually when supper is), I will have fasted for 42 hours.  I should be able to make it through the 24 hours and I'm really hoping I can make it through all 42 hours.  I will allow myself drinks with less than 10 calories per serving.  I think 250 calories max for those 42 hours.  It'll encourage me to drink more tea and water that way.  I'm taking food to work to eat so my calories can be easily monitored.  I'll write down what I eat and how many calories.  And tomorrow, I'll get lost in some blogs tomorrow as a distraction and maybe watch some Hulu or something.  Has any used Hulu Plus and Netflix?  I'm wondering which one is better.  But anyway, I'll weigh in again tomorrow morning and Friday morning and hopefully I'll be down.
Sorry for the kind of random back and forth thinking.  I'm only like half awake right now.  I hope that made sense...


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