Blogger Tricks


Thursday, September 8, 2011

24 hours of the fast down.  I'm thinking about eating at 8 am and just doing a 32 hour fast.  I don't know if I could make it through work tomorrow.  There have been a couple times I thought about eating.  But I was wanting junk food.  If I break my fast, I will break it with something healthy.  I'm thinking either oatmeal or an omelet (egg + water + veggies + seasonings) or something healthy for breakfast.  Maybe an apple or green beans instead.  I don't know yet.  I'll take my time to decide.  It'll probably be 150 calories or less.  And I'll eat a cereal bar or cereal or something small (150 calories or less) on my break at work.  It'll help my body get ready for supper that way.  I have no idea what supper will be.  I'm hoping it isn't too high in calories.  I'm hoping to be able to restrict really well from now on.  I can do.  I know I can.  I've had about 160 calories so far.  I've had water (0), tea (5 - I used some Splenda so I'm going to count it as 5), broth (5), and 3 V-8 V-Fusion Energy drinks (50 cals each for a total of 150).  I was wanting either an energy drink or some diet pop for caffeine and I found those.  50 calories seemed reasonable since it's flavored with real juice.  I guess I'll do a few comment responses.  I'm not responding to everyone.  Just the ones with questions.  But a big thank you to all who comment.  It makes me happy to see new comments.

Karolina - I've been doing terrible at restricting.  More like I haven't been trying at it.  I attempted to restrict yesterday to prepare for today, but ate more calories than I should have.  I'm hoping to be able to restrict once I'm done fasting.  Like an average of 750 calories or less a day.  With working, it should be achievable.

Lottie -  No, she doesn't live with me. My daughter lives with her dad.

Heather[Hunger] - I don't have a protein shake.  Even if I did, I probably wouldn't have drank it because they are quite high in calories.  Or at least the ones I have seen are like 180+ calories for 8 oz.  So I would only be able to have one or two.  Diluted juice and broth would mean I could have more and spread out my servings easier.

I'll try to do pictures of the stuff I bought shopping when I get back from work.  And hopefully be in a good mood and do a longer post.  But it's after midnight and I have to work tomorrow morning.  Just kinda wanted to update since I was at the 24 hour mark and my plans changed.  I'll probably do a thinspo post in the morning before work and not write until after.  I need to sleep, not wait for thinspo to upload.


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