I am a creator,
Inventor and innovator.
I observe the people,
The ordinary people
No matter what your occupation is
Everybody's in showbiz. . .
Cos I'm a Star (gonna make you a star),
And I can make you a Star (gonna make you a star),
I believe that everybody's a celebrity,
And we've all got personality
And individuality.
We all read lines,
And we all act a part,
We all need a script
And an audience to play to.
No matter what you do,
Or who you are,
Everybody's a star.
Ever since the dawn of human history, man has looked at the night sky and watched the twinkling stars with awe. Mythology is full of stories about how the gods placed legendary heroes and animals in the heavens for all eternity. But it has only been in the past 100 years that man himself may become one of those immortal luminous beings. It is not certain exactly when the term "star" became used to describe a performer or someone outstanding in their field, but it appears to be linked first to the Music Halls of the late 19th Century and certainly to the dawn of Hollywood and the Motion Picture Industry.
From Movie Stars, to Pop Stars, Sports Stars and now Reality TV Stars, everyone has the opportunity to be famous, or infamous. We can even name a star for our loved ones or for our own immortality. How has this shift in consciousness occurred? Some might point to the spiritual practices of the East such as Yoga and Theosophy that teach us that the divine resides within. Some might point to the development of the Space Program that captivates our attention with space travel. But I believe there is a more powerful influence at play here: the magic of Hollywood designed to distract us from our inner truth and transcendence. Is it mere coincidence that the wood of the holly tree is used for making magic wands? Hollywood Directors literally become creator gods as they conceive and create an artificial view of reality populated by performances of stars, our new heros and legendary characters projected across the big screen that substitutes for the night sky.
The history of film spans over a hundred years, from the latter part of the 19th century to the present day. Motion pictures developed gradually from a carnival novelty to one of the most important tools of communication and entertainment for the arts and mass media in the 20th century and into the 21st century. Motion picture films have had a substantial impact on the arts, technology, and politics and I would suggest our collective and individual consciousness.
The Birth of Hollywood
According to early accounts H.J. Whitley is the Father of Hollywood. He named the town with his wife Margaret Virginia Whitley while on their honeymoon in 1886. This prominent land developer orchestrated the building of the Hollywood Hotel which opened in 1902 and became internationally known as home of the movie stars for many years. The exact origin of the "star" concept is not certain, but it appears linked to this historic hotel that featured painted stars on its dining room ceiling over tables favored by its most famous celebrity patrons. The Hollywood Hotel stood for over 50 years on Hollywood Boulevard at the site now occupied by the Hollywood and Highland complex and the Kodak Theatre, home of the Academy Awards.
Hollywood is a neighborhood in Los Angeles, California and the historical center of movie studios and movie stars. The first movie studio in Hollywood was opened by Al Christie. It was called Nestor Studio and was established in October 1911 by a New Jersey based company called Centaur Co. Nestor filmed their first motion picture at the home of H. J. Whitley. With his encouragement other studios followed thus earning Whitely the name the Father of Hollywood. Christie-Nestor merged with Universal (barely readable under the the Nestor sign below) one year later.
The references to Centaur and Nestor, Greek mythological figures, from its very inception is intriguing and may reveal on an unconscious level the purpose of Hollywood and the film industry.
In Homer's Illiad King Nestor was an Argonaut who helped fight the centaurs and participated in the hunt for the Calydonian Boar. In this example, Nestor is depicted with the royal staff of his ancestors, eternal and imperishable. . . a magic want of sorts. Isn't it strange that a company called Centaur would name its studio after a hero who helped to defeat them? King Nestor and his sons fought on the side of the Achaeans (Greeks/Mycenaeans) in the Trojan War.
Is it me, or does anyone else wonder about the similarity between the words Achaeans and Archons? In late antiquity the term archon was used in Gnosticism to refer to several servants of the Demiurge, the "creator god" that stood between the human race and a transcendent God that could only be reached through gnosis. In this context they have the role of the angels and demons of the Old Testament. This play between good and evil, as in the selection of names like of Nestor and Centaurs, is a theme that persists throughout the history of the movie industry. The illusionary nature of film is itself Luciferian and thus a profound manipulative tool in the hands of skilled 'creator gods," such as movie producers, directors, actors, and stars. I am not the first to suggest that Hollywood is controlled by this Demiurge, or illuminated elite, who project infinite distractions to keep us from connecting with the true Transcendent one. The evidence of this machination is clearly projected for all to see in the logos and recurring symbols of the movie industry. The devil is literally in the details.
Various motion picture interests owned and operated Nestor Studios on the original site from 1912 until 1935, when the property was purchased by the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), which immediately demolished the Nestor stages and began construction of its new West Coast radio and television headquarters on the corner. Radio was the first medium that could reach out to the masses. One of the most notorious broadcasts produced by CBS occurred On October 30, 1938.
The infamous live broadcast of an adaptation of H.G. Well's War of the Worlds by Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre created panic as frightened listeners believed invaders from Mars were devastating Grover's Mills, NJ. It is was a new and unusual format to broadcast a contemporary version of the story in the form of faux news broadcasts. Some believe it was a test to see what the population would do if such an event occurred.
In a later instance CBS once again had to revive the format for a TV drama Without Warning which told the story of asteroids crashing to Earth, also debuting on Halloween.
They aired disclaimers at every commercial break to avoid a replay of what happened in 1938. Both alien invasion and extinction level events such as asteroids hitting the earth were scenarios discussed by Werner von Braun, the famous ex-Nazi rocket scientist who help create NASA. Just before von Braun died, he gave an interview to Carol Rosin, in which he basically said that in order to sustain the military-industrial complex that first a false threat of terrorists would be created and used on the public and then asteroids and finally a false alien threat. She describes their conversation in the video below.
Could these false flag events first be tested collectively in the form of movies or television events, and then be projected as a potential false flag event at a later date? Is it coincidence that Columbia Broadcasting System was linked to both media events airing on the same date (Halloween), a date associated with magic and mystery?
Much has been written about the CBS logo as representing the ancient Egyptian All Seeing Eye of Horus linking it to masonic and illuminati secret societies, but equally interesting is the original logo. CBS Television used an oval spotlight on the block letters C-B-S. This artificial light create an eye-like oval as well as deep shadows. In numerology the letters of CBS add up to 24 which is related to Venus, the light bearer or Morning Star called Lucifer by the ancients.
CBS started as a radio network and pioneer in television becoming one of the big three American broadcast television networks. The name Columbia came from its parent company, Columbia Records and Columbia Phonographic companies which were named after the location of the record headquarters in the District of Columbia. Columbia was historically a popular name in American History and it is no surprise it was used in the entertainment industry as the Cohn brothers and Joe Brandt chose it for their movie company, Columbia Pictures in 1924. In 1982, the studio was purchased by Coca-Cola (how convenient) and then later that same year it launched TriStar Pictures as a joint venture with HBO and CBS. After a brief period of independence with Coca-Cola maintaining a financial interest, the combined studios of Columbia and Tristar were acquired by Sony in 1989.
Columbia, Tristar and Sony
Just who is this beautiful light bearer? Columba is Latin for dove associated with both Venus and Isis. Historically Columbia is a poetic name for the Americas and the feminine personification of the United States of America. It derives from the so-called founder of the Americas, Christopher Columbus, but it may have more mystical meaning as described by Richard Hoagland in his article The Age of Horus. According to Hoagland:
There was a Sixth Century monk who took the Church from Ireland to Scotland. He also was heavily involved with the importation of a "sacred stone" imported from the holy land (read: ancient Egypt) used in all subsequent Scottish (and later English) Coronations. Oh, his name ..?
Why was he named "Columba?" And why did the Founding Fathers (mostly Masons -- from "Columba's" new home, from Scotland!!) centuries later call the New Republic they created in the New World "Columbia?" The classical story is, of course, that it all had to do with "Christopher Columbus" -- the "discoverer" of America and the New World; actually, as we have seen, Columbus was only rediscovering the "lost Atlantis" that most learned men of the day already knew was out there. In part, this prior knowledge was reinforced by at least one of the major "best selling manuscripts" of Columbus' time (even Queen Isabella was said to own a copy!): the remarkable story of another Irish monk -- "St. Brendan, the Navigator," a contemporary of "Columba" -- who also (curiously ...) made a pilgrimage to Scotland.
So, was this a real, 6th Century "Irish Expedition" to the New World, or ... merely a clever means of passing down through the centuries "secret" Gaelic knowledge of this crucial "Promised World?" Even more intriguing: was St. Brendan's name somehow accidentally substituted in this "code" for the far more appropriate (etymologically and geodetically speaking) "Columba," in the centuries-long recopying and retelling of the tale ..? Is this one of the reasons why the Masonic (Scottish) founders of the Republic ultimately called America "Columbia" ..?
The image of this personified Columbia is found throughout the 19th and 20th century as in this painting (c. 1872) by John Gast, called American Progress: Columbia, in the implementation of Manifest Destiny.

And Columbia Picture's logo portrays Columbia bearing the light of a torch, much like another iconic symbol for the United States, the Statue of Liberty.


Many scholars believe that the mythological source for this goddess figure is the Egyptian Goddess Isis. The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor was presented in 1884 as a gift from the French Grand Orient Temple Masons to the Masons of America in celebration of the centenary of the first Masonic Republic as recorded in the cornerstone.

Its official title is Liberty Enlightening the World. She is holding the Masonic Torch of Enlightenment, also referred to as the Flaming Torch of Reason. The Torch represents the Sun in the sky. In the video above, notice how the light of Columbia's torch turns into the Sun. According to Masonic authors Albert Pike & Manley Hall, the religion of Illuminated Brethren (Illuminati and Freemasons) is revealed in the Isis - Osiris - Horus Mythos. From Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma:
The Blazing Star in our Lodges represent Sirius... the Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All Seeing Eye, which to the Ancients was the Sun.

Ancient seers associated the Egyptian goddess Isis with the fixed star Sirius, or the Dog Star in the constellation of Canis Major. Below is an Egyptian hieroglyph that represents Sirius. It is made of three elements: a star, an obelisk/triangle, & a half-dome each representing as aspect of the ancient trinity of Isis, Osiris, and the child Horus. These symbols are used over and over again in the logos of film companies, as well as many other art forms.

Isis is historically associated with the Star Sirius (and the Pleiades meaning 'dove'), Osirus with the belt of Orion, and Horus with a mysterious unseen 'blazing star' or 'rising Sun'. As Hoagland points out, we are in the dawn of the age of Horus when this blazing star gets activated and turns into a rising Sun as depicted in the Columbia Pictures logo video. The triangle representing the third part of the trinity is depicted in its subsidiary's Tristar Pictures logo.
Another intriguing link between Columbia and the goddess Isis the modern creation of the constellation Columba. This constellation was part of a reconstruction of the night sky, in which astronomers took some of the stars of Canis Major, the home of the "dog star" Sirius, and made a new one called Columba, the Dove. The Uranometria was published in 1603 and set new standards for stellar designation (meridians) while also creating several entirely new constellations. According to Hoagland: Bayer's new constellation is also located precisely on the meridian with Orion, a relationship which we took to be a "marker" of some kind for future events. He named this new constellation "Columba," apparently after "the dove that is sent out from Noah's Ark to search for dry land after the deluge." . . . It was secretly emblematic at that precise time of the transposition of the terrestrial Egyptian "meridians and parallels" into the sky. Hoagland gives an interesting case that these markers line up with Washington, DC (District of Columbia) which has also been shown to have been designed by Freemasons by authors like Wayne Herschel. (Click here for more.)
The concept for TriStar came about in 1982 when Columbia Pictures, HBO, and CBS decided to pool resources to split the ever-growing costs of making movies, creating Nova Pictures as a joint venture. In the summer of 1998, Sony Pictures Entertainment merged Columbia and TriStar to form Columbia TriStar Pictures with both divisions continued producing and distributing films under their own names. Like a "superNova" Sony/Sunny merged with Columbia/Sirius and Tristar/Osiris creating a super film and entertainment (read distraction) company. Notice in the logo how two blazing stars (Sony-Horus and Columbia-Isis) come together and meet at the tip of the pyramid (Tristar-Osiris) as the horse leaps forward.

In modern times, Pegasus is seen as the symbol for the immortality of the soul, and as the carrier and protector that guards the spirit in its journeys into the astral plane. Pegasus is the power of the creative spirit in all of us. He is the symbol of the Muses, of inspiration, and of the beauty we bring to our life and the lives of others. Another celestial horse is the constellation of Monoceros, or the Unicorn, which flies between the constellations of Canis Major and Orion. Could the TriStar logo represent this mythical creature without its horn as it would literally be the third constellation of the Isis-Osiris-Horus trinity? Both horses are mythical and magical beings that carry the hero to the skies ensuring immortality -- just like the vehical of film.

Sony Pictures Entertainment
Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc. (SPE) is the television and film production/distribution unit of Japanese multinational technology and media conglomerate Sony. Like Columbia Pictures it shares its name with a music label. Sound and Light, the creator gods favorite tools -- and we all know what came first. The name Sony was chosen for the brand to sell to an American market as a mix of two words. One was the Latin word sonus which is the root of "sonic" and "sound" and the other was sonny, a familiar term used in 1950s America to call a boy, or child sun god like Horus. It's logo is again sound and light expanding. There are 11 bars which is another esoteric and masonic number. It is said to be a master number of spirituality, as well as a number of disintegration of perfection (10). It is also the coupling of two 1s of masculine energy to make a 2 of feminine energy -- not how things are created in the three dimensional world on Earth. 11 is also a trigger number as in the 11:11 phenomenon and of course 9/11. Notice the bars are lit up to number 9. . . 9 out of 11. . . Could we see this as a symbol that we are approaching the 11th hour? Dawn of Horus? Or could the 11 bars be seen as steps, like the stairway/starway-to-heaven depicted in Masonic tracing boards.


Masonic Tracing boards are painted or printed illustrations depicting the various emblems and symbols of Freemasonry. They were used as teaching aids during the lectures that follow each of the three Masonic Degrees, when an experienced member explains the various concepts of Freemasonry to new members. Here the seven stars of the Pleiades are illustrated on the right next to a stairway emanating from a bright Star believed to be Sirius. And the rising Sun on the upper left represents the blazing star, the all seeing eye of Horus. Notice the Angels, or extraterrestrial beings, descending the ladder from the Star Sirius to the Masonic Lodge ready to reveal the secrets of the universe to the initiates. Freemasonry is an esoteric art in that certain aspects of its internal work are not overtly revealed to the public, but rather expressed through allegory and symbols in both art and architecture. Thus from the beginning the Motion Picture Industry adopted symbols that reveal its connection to Freemasonry. From the all seeing eye of the logos of CBS and Columbia Pictures it become clear that the Movie Industry is a modern tool of Freemasonry.
To be continued. . .
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