Blogger Tricks


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Good news:

  • I have plans to go out on my birthday
  • I feel motivated to clean and workout like all day tomorrow
  • I feel motivated to restrict as good as possible tomorrow (my parents will be home so I will have to eat)
  • I don't work tomorrow
  • There is limited junk food in the house (some not-so-good cookies and like 1 1/2 rice crispy treats and gross chips and that's like it)
  • I found Skins UK on Hulu and I'm watching it and I like it (haven't seen the US version but I've heard it isn't as good)
  • I'm planning on going to see the Lion King in 3d with my sister and her friend this week
  • The weather is going to be a little warmer (70s) this week so walks (and maybe some running if I feel like it) are likely
Bad news:
  • I ate more than I should have today
  • I didn't exercise and do not have the motivation to tonight (even though I feel motivated to workout tomorrow which doesn't make much sense to me but whatever)
  • I don't know my weight but I feel HUGE
  • My period will start soon (I'm hoping that that is causing me to be bloated and that is why I feel so huge and that in a few days, the hugeness will be down)
  • I'm craving pills/drugs/alcohol (I think I just want to party mainly which partying isn't a bad thing but the fact that I don't have anywhere to go party at is making me crave these things)
Other things that I don't if they are good or bad:
  • I'm really considering buying diet pills (even though I had been wanting to lose weight on my own, I think I need them to get back on track at least)
  • I still want to go to the rave and I am considering going by myself, but I would rather not (but since it's in November, there's still plenty of time to find someone(s) to go with)
  • I'm attempting to plan my food intake out a day ahead (but not knowing what I will have for supper makes it difficult to make and I have yet to follow it completely - I start to follow it, then I end up eating something else instead)
  • I'm still considering looking for a new job and this girl I work with said that me and her should apply at a Bar & Grill as waitresses (because it's a 4-star restaurant and waitresses can make like $300 in tips a night there) so I may apply there along with some other places
  • I asked (yet again) to get trained to do something else (hardlines or softlines) at work and I was told that if I did some PA's (messages over the loudspeaker for things like the Sear's credit card or sales in the ad and things like that) that I could get trained in something else (most likely hardlines which is fine by me) and I did 3 PA's so I should be (not counting on it though because I asked to be trained in hardlines or softlines like 2 weeks ago and they did nothing) getting scheduled to do hardlines on next week's (25th through the 1st) schedule
So I think that's all I have to say tonight...


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