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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Not Tonight Honey, I'm exhausted

Last night I caught an episode of my favorite reality show “The Real Housewives of New Jersey.” I’ve been addicted to this series since day one. Watching this show is like watching my family, all Italian, all the time. My least favorite housewife Danielle Staub was not asked back for this season and I was totally happy, I was hoping they would bring back Deena a housewife that left due to Danielle but no.

This season there are two new housewives Kathy and Melissa. They are both related to my favorite Jersey Housewife Teresa. Kathy is her cousin and Melissa is her sister-in-law. Teresa and her Brother do not speak and Melissa is kind of her enemy which of course makes me hate her right off the bat. Now some people may think that’s awful but after the first two episodes she did nothing to make me like her at all. Her husband Joey is a typical Jersey Guy, wants his wife to cook and clean, very 1950’s. Believe it or not she really enjoys it. She feels it’s her wifely duties, I don’t agree 100% with that but I grew up watching my Aunts, Grandmothers and other relatives live that life and I’ve never met more happier, caring women in my life. I have to admit it is amusing to watch the dynamic that these two reality stars have. Even though I don’t like Melissa I do enjoy their story line until last night.

Joey came home from work; he was exhausted like he is every day after work. He walks in and hugs his kid but when his wife goes to kiss him he turns his head. She says “are you still mad?” To which his response is “Yes, five days!” Apparently they haven’t been intimate because Melissa has been exhausted. I can imagine raising four kids, cooking, cleaning & doing laundry would make a person tired. Now she works all day doing all that and makes sure dinner is on the table for him, then bathes the kids, cleans up the dishes, tucks the kids in, all while looking amazing and then is expected to give it up every night.

I know Joey works construction but he owns the company, he does no actual construction work. So his day ends at five while Melissa’s ends after he’s done plowing her. The most interesting thing about this whole thing is Joey NEVER asked what was wrong with his wife, he only demanded the sex. He never found out what was wrong with his wife! This to me is ridiculous; asking a person what’s wrong would be the sensitive thing to do.

When did we all decide that because you work all day and come home to someone who spends the day doing a lot for you why is it okay to demand sex? I have a lot of respect for people who do that, it is what the women of my family did and I wonder were they also treated like that too.

I can’t imagine someone working all day long, then coming home and making sure the dishes are done and the house is straightened up to only made to feel guilty because you are not up to being intimate. Maybe if the other person cared more about the feelings and made the simple act of asking “What’s wrong?” They may find out why and not turn to anger or make comments about lake of sex. It may not be just exhaustion it maybe something deeper; pushing it may make it worse.

Melissa I don’t like you but I sure feel sorry for you…

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