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Monday, May 30, 2011

Finally the Nightmare Blog

As many of you may know by my Facebook status updates I've been having a lot of nightmares lately. I made a very brief rant about it a couple blogs ago but never really got into it. Since I have read all the dream websites I thought there was no hope in finding out why I was having these nightmares. Every time I went to look up the meaning I got eight different answers, very much like the horoscope blog I wrote which I still believe to be true.

Last night was no different than the past month. I wasn't tired when Chris went to bed so I stayed up for another hour or so until I became sleepy. Now I know what you are thinking, you're having nightmares because you are staying up late and are exhausted. Not really, according to at least 8 out of the 10 stupid dream sights I've read being tired puts you into a deep sleep and nightmares don't generally happen. Also, the few times I've been exhausted the nightmares were less. I had a snack last night, I know "no eating before bed" but again sometimes I snack before bed and sometimes I don't and it doesn't make a difference. With all these statements you would think I have blown the cover off all the nightmare myths huh? But alas I have not but I had a revelation this morning. Now follow me if you can.

Awful nightmares all night, I was shaken up a couple times with some doozies, I tried turning the pillow over a suggestion by a Facebook friend to "change the channel" - didn't work. As Chris woke me up this morning at 7:30 I told him to wake me at 8:00...then a strange thing happened, I had a nightmare, a dream. Now this dream was weird but after I thought about it later it made sense. Here we go (Molly you will get a kick out of this one). I went to a former co-worker's house to buy a lamp that I have been looking for, for a while. It was a lamp that was circa 1975-1983ish; I was excited and couldn't wait to plug it in because I like how vintage lights look. Then I got the lamp home set it up in my bar/cabinet and went upstairs to bed to play with my second cat I just got from a friend. It was a fat cat that was purple skinned with red & orange long hair and a little smushed in face. It was actually very cute actually makes me want a cat that looks like that, apparently I had named it "Hippo Baby Kitty." Weird right? I thought I completely lost it when I though back until it all clicked! Okay here is why I think I had the dream this morning.

Last night I set up my speakers for my record player because I told Chris I love how records sounded, the vintage sound. Now for months I've wanted a record player I describe the record player I wanted to look 70's-80's-ish. Before I went up to bed last night I watched a Glee clip online of Brittany's Fondue-for-two where she interviews her cat, her fat cat - Lord Tubbington, which of course made me think of Molly McGrath's fat cat Bob that she wants me to take. All these things were in my dream different but in there! They were triggers to my mind eye. Did my mind say to me the nightmares you been having mean exactly what you see? Did it take this very obvious dream that was nice and didn't wake me with a jolt to make me see that? Do I know exactly what has triggered these series of nightmares? Yes, I know the exact time they started and I believe I know why...if my mind is trying to show me what's really going on then I guess I need to be guarded. Now that I know this maybe tonight will be a nightmare free night and it allow me to think about the past month's nightmares to find out what the hell is going on.

See hippo baby below, now image a more smushed in face with purple skin and that orange & red shaggy hair...oh yeah at remember it's a cat not a hippo :)

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