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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

US Hacker gets 18-year sentence

 WASHINGTON - A US man who hacked into his neighbours Wi-Fi network and tried to anatomy them with child pornography and baleful emails to the US V.P. has comprised sentenced to 18 years in jail.

US District Judge Donovan Frank condemned Barry Ardolf, 46, on Tues after hearing to the tearful testimonial of Bethany Kostolnik, the Minneapolis Star Tribune accounted.

"My husband and I had to explicate to our young, ignorant children way too early that there are evil people in the world  and to never go in Barry Ardolf's yard," she said, according to the newspaper.

"Until Ardolf was immured, not a day glided by that I didn't entertain another attack," her husband Matt Kostolnik said.

"Barry Ardolf has demoed by his conduct that he has a dangerous man," US attorneys prosecuting the case said in court documents."When he got angry at his neighbours, he aired out his anger in a bizarre and calculated campaign of terror against them."The trouble began in August 2008 when the Kostolniks, who had just went into the neighborhood, reported Ardolf to police after he picked up their four-year-old son and kissed him on the mouth, according to US attorneys.

Ardolf then got claiming revenge by hacking into their wireless fidelity network and making fake email addresses, which he wont to send crude messages and child pornography to Matt Kostolnik's co-workers and boss, the prosecution said.

Afterward Ardolf sent threatening emails in Kostolnik's name to V.P. Joe Biden and others, investigators discovered the hacking following a search of Ardolf's home in the summer of 2009.

Ardolf initially arranged a plea deal that would have had him serve two to five years in prison, but later backed away of it and fired his attorney.In Dec Ardolf again pleaded guilty before converting his mind and trying to arrange a different deal, but the pursuing US attorney held him to the plea.

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