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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lake Maninjau

Maninjau Lake at an altitude of ± 500 m above sea level and surrounded by the Bukit Barisan towering and steep, so make Maninjau Lake are like a giant crater. This beautiful lake is also known as having a lot of romantic places, so normal that many tourists call it the lake with romantic scenes because of any side you will see it looks stunning scenery.

Maninjau lake formed by volcanic eruptions (Gunung Tinjauan) in the past. This beautiful lake is situated ± 36 km from Bukittinggi towards the west which can be reached by public transportation and destination Maninjau Lubuk Basung with a unique past the winding 44 has a width of about 99.5 km ² and a maximum depth of 495 meters.

The existence of Lake Maninjau create a legend "Bujang Sembilan", which is believed to exist by the surrounding community. Once upon a time there was one family consisted of 10 men, nine men and a woman named Sani. Sani Keelokkan level and behavior into its own allure for a young man named Sigiran. In short they are then having an affair. One day they were accused of immorality by the footmen. To prove it, they jump into the crater of Mount Review. They swear if they committed any immoral then the mountain will not erupt, and if they do not do immoral then the mountain would not erupt. Finally, the volcano erupted and the eruption formed a large crater is then filled with water and became lakes as it is now.

At the lake we can swim, paragliding, fishing and adventuring by bike around the lake. Around the lake there is a lot of accommodation Homestay, Hotel, Cafe, and a variety of cuisine and specialties such as Palai Rinuak, Bada Salai, Ikan Bakar, pensi that does not exist in other areas.

To reach this lake, reached by landline. There are two alternative pathways to get to Lake Maninjau.
First, from the West, traveling through the beginning of Padang Pariaman path toward Lubuk Basung (Agam regency capital), approximately taken for 3 hours. For transportation, we can use public transportation, travel, and personal car or rental car.
Second, From the east, the journey started from Padang to Bukittinggi Bukittinggi and the city tour continues to Lake Maninjau through the winding 44 is unique. From the winding 44 can enjoy the beauty of lakes and dozens of monkeys that we can feed them directly. Transportation can use public transport, private car or rental car. Travel time taken approximately 3 ½ hours.

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