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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kerinci Mountain (the great beautiful mountain) - Indonesia

    so many beautiful tourism place in indonesia that make me don't know where i should begin to tell...haha..
i remember a few time ago i met a tourist near Kerinci mountain, so i think it's a good ide to talk about kerinci to you.
    Kerinci mountain is located in Kerinci regency, jambi province. Kerinci mount is active vulcano, with an altitude of 3805 masl. The mountain is the highest mountain in Indonesia outside the mountains of Irian Jaya. In the east side is a lake Bento, the highest clear watery swamps in Sumatra.
Behind the Kerinci mount there is seven mountains are very beautiful. In the middle of the park there are gaps sungai penuh valley city, coffee plantations, tea plantation and lake Kerinci.the area of kerinci mountain is included to national park that was call Taman Nasional Kerinci Sebelat(TNKS).
This mountain can be reached  from Padang, Jambi, and Bengkulu. the international flight can be landed in Padang(west sumatera), because in this city(padang) there is a international airport, it's called BIM(Bandara Internasional Minang Kabau).
Panorama of nature is beauty with a wealth of flora and fauna can be encountered start from lowland to the top of Kerinci mountain, not only to enjoy but very good for doing research and education, so many foreigner i met that did reseach there. hiking to the top of the  Kerinci mountain takes two days from the Post Kerisik Tuo.

Lowland vegetation is dominated by several types of mahogany, there are also giant plants Rafflesia flower and Raflesia arnoldi. there are three shelter on the pathway and the pathway already obvious. in the summit,you will find the warning not to make the new routes..
the arrangement of the licese isn't complicated. so, it's proper to you to try this one...

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