Blogger Tricks


Friday, July 22, 2011

These Enterprising Fool delivers Already began awaiting in Line for the iPhone 5

Rob Shoesmith is either the smartest man alive or the most anserine. I can't quite adjudicate. Why? For Shoesmith is already in line for the not-even-announced iPhone 5. Stuuuupid, right? Well, he's also received $64,000 worth of goods in sponsorships for doing so.

The 29-year-old merchandising administrator for Medl Mobile, a company that makes iPhone apps, has camped outside the Covent Garden Apple Store in London and is using his blog to document the experience of adjusting ludicrously early. Astutely, he asked companies to help him out (in exchange, he'd promote their products on his blog) and the companies have come out in troves (I guess they're the real dumb ones?)! Agreeing to the Metro News, he's inclined "everything from nosed candles and after-shave lotion to use of a $32,600 Chevrolet car, $1300 worth of outdoor gear and food from top restaurants."

The publicity stunt seems to be working pretty damn well. But with still a month or two before the iPhone 5 even appears, is Shoesmith a genius or a fool? Free stuff anathemises, I don't think I coulded he's doing. [Rob Shoesmith via Metro UK via App Advice]

Update: Rob has adjoined us and made clear that he has not began camping for the iPhone 5 yet. He doesn't know when he will start but I think turning his encamping process into a sponsorable online auction is certifiably brilliance. Touche, Shoesmith. Can't knock the hustle. Read a lot of on his blog.

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