Blogger Tricks


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wow! That is loud!

We are in the process of having our roof replaced at HPL.  This is a much-needed maintenance project as we have been suffering through leak after leak for the past 18-24 months.  However, by delaying a re-roof and making do with patches over that time, we were able to set aside enough money to pay for the project out right.  I am not a big fan of borrowing money, in my personal finances or at the library.

The point of my mentioning it though is that the new roof is "mechanically fastened".  Intellectually, I understood what that meant - hammer-drilling fasteners into the concrete deck to hold down the new backing.  In practice though...yikes!  It sounds sort of like some one running a jack hammer in a culvert pipe.  My apologies if you come in over the next week to ten days hoping for peace and quiet!

However, when we are done, we'll have a PVC [edit: TPO] membrane roof that looks something like this:

This type of roof has some benefits (besides keeping the rain out).  It is supposed to reflect heat from the sun to reduce heat radiating into the building.  Supposedly we will save some money on our utility bills, which after seeing the last bill for May/early June will be a blessing!  There are lots of options for flat-roofed structures, I found out as we went through this process.  I hope we picked the right one.

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