Blogger Tricks


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Israel considering an attack on Syria

I was reading an alarming article that Israel was considering an attack on Syria, when I noticed the accompanying ad illustrated above. The watch is set for Day 25 (Christmas), at 10:10:30. Of course the ad is probably one made for the holiday season inferring that you will open this lovely gift on that day.

But I was reminded of a post I made on July 9, 2009 that also looked at 10:10. I was observing the symbols around the death of Michael Jackson and noticed that in the clock at Neverland was stopped at 12:16, which seemed significant. The 10:10 hour was also associated with a another stock photo of Neverland (at the end of the article) on a story about the current owner, a big time investor who saved Neverland. Apparently 10:10 is the number that most watch ads are set because it's aesthetically pleasing.

Of course this ad shows us a SWISS watch (but is made in China -- notice the ironic socialist/communist logo of man & hammer) by a company called Stauer. It watch has a lovely luciferian blue face . . . Venus (Lucifer) is in her morning star position which is the goddess of war placement. The watchmaker calls it midnight blue -- a midnight or early morning attack?

The masonic clock indicates another story . . 10 = Treasurer . . . no doubt! Followed by the 10th Major Arcana, The Wheel of Fortune, ruled by Jupiter. When looking up Wheel of Fortune meanings I came across this part of the Fools journey in the Tarot regarding the wheel:

And finally, when he comes upon a rich merchant sitting in a wagon, right over one of the wheels, the man hands him a bag of money. "I like giving away money," explains the Merchant, "and I decided, just randomly, that the tenth person who walked past me today would get this money. You're the tenth." The Fool hardly thought he could still be surprised, but he is. It is as if everything good that he ever did in his life is being paid back to him, three-fold. All luck this day is his.

Lest we forget the date 10/10/08 -- the stock market crash and beginning of our current recession/depression. Could 10/10 on 25th indicate another event that will crash the economy even further? Let's just hope this was a weird coincidence.

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