A learned woman is thought to be a comet, that bodes mischief whenever it appears. ~ Unknown author
Old men and comets have been reverenced for the same reason: their long beards, and pretenses to foretell events. ~ Jonathan Swift
Another new comet is causing a sensation among astronomers and skywatchers. A week after its discovery by Japanese amateur astronomers Kaoru Ikeya and Shigeki Murakami, comet C/2010 V1 Ikeya Murakami appears to be in the midst of an eye-catching outburst while transiting the stellar fields of Virgo.
Historically astrologers have described comets as evil omens, heralding cataclysmic events, sudden political upheaval, and even the death of kings. An astronomer would define the intermittent appearance of this phenomenon as a relatively small extraterrestrial body consisting of a frozen mass that travels around the sun in a highly elliptical orbit. The word comet stems from the Latin cometes meaning long-haired, describing the characteristic tail of a comet that develops the closer it gets to the Sun. So why would the ancients attribute the sudden appearance of a hairy ball of light with doom and gloom. Well history is filled with accounts of the observation of comets that occurred simultaneously with all sorts of upheavals, as well as births of kings and leaders. Any unusual light body would have been interpreted as a message from the heavens.
As an astrologer I like to look at the path of comets against the back drop of the constellations as a way of interpreting their message. In this case Comet Ikeya Murakami was discovered in Virgo, two degrees from Saturn.
The constellation of Virgo, latin for virgin or maiden, is symbolized by a harvest goddess holding a sheath of wheat. According to Bernadette Brady, the ancient goddess in the sky was probably part of the original six zodiac constellation and is considered by some astronomers to be part of human awareness for over 15,000 years when Virgo was the sign of the spring equinox. The ancient Egyptian sphinx may be a representation of the shift from Virgo to Leo as it has the head of a woman and body of a lion.
The Egyptians depicted the constellation Virgo on the Denderah zodiac as the goddess Isis. She holds a wheat sheaf represented by the fixed star Spica which she dropped to form the Milky Way.
The Golden Age was said to have ended when this goddess no longer governed the solstices believing that the goddess left the earth to return to heaven in distress at the behavior of humans of the Silver Age. Some historians mark this date as 5,000 BC when Virgo marked the summer solstice which does seem to correspond with the sudden decline of feminine agricultural society and the beginning of masculine city-based societies.
In my last Starworlds post I discussed the upcoming transits to the galactic center of our Milky Way galaxy as a potent time to receive downloads of evolutionary stellar waves. As the ancient seers of the Vedic culture saw the astronomical alignments with the galactic center, or Vishnunabhi, as marking the ascending and descending yuga cycles, much attention has been focused on the Galactic Center located in the sign of Sagittarius. But what there is an even bigger cosmic cycle than the galactic one, one that lines up on a grand universal level -- in the constellation of Virgo?
In the same post I briefly mentioned this concept of a grand universal axis which Carl Johan Calleman believes is the source for the evolutionary wave tracked by the Mayan Calendar. And there is plenty of scientific evidence that supports his cosmological theory. In their search to understand the origin of the universe, astrophysicists have been studying the afterglow of the big bang called Cosmic Background Radiation, or CBR.
Instead of an undiscernable, random pattern, Kate Land and Joao Magueijo at Imperial College London noticed an unexpected alignment of hot and cold spots in the CBR in 2005 that resembles the taiji, mystical union of yin and yang from which according to ancient taoists the universe was born.
And by 2007 Michael Longo at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor who studied 1660 spiral galaxies, found the majority appear to line up with the axis, and a higher-than-expected number rotate in a certain direction. This Central Axis is what seems to be the center of the universe, in the direction of the constellation of Virgo. Currently this axis lines in the plane of the ecliptic and has a direction parallel to the equinoxes of the earth. Carl Johan Calleman asserts that the ancient Mayan Hunab Ku is the creative center of the Universe in Mayan cosmology. It is symbolized by a World Tree or Tree of Life in many ancient traditions. He writes: the Mayan calendar provides a description of the rhythms of creative energies emanating from this hypothetical Tree of Life and is testable to what extent the actual rhythms of evolution conform to the time plan that this calendar specifies.
In The Purposeful Universe he eloquently shows how the Mayan Calendar tracks these evolutionary waves from this Center Axis,or World Tree, and reveals how it corresponds beautifully with evolutionary models. Instead of evolution being stimulated by random events, it posits an intelligent design to the Universe. This controversial theory is exciting to me as I have come to realize that perhaps we are indeed bathed in transformative bursts of star waves from both our galactic and universal trees.
According to Calleman's interpretation of the Mayan calendar, on November 3-7, 2010 the final cycle of the 8th step in evolution began. Called the Seventh Day
of the Galactic Underworld, it marks a time in which our right brain will be activated in preparation for the final mind-blowing 9th level that begins on March 8, 2011. Ever since November 3, 2010 I have found my right brain working over time. Blog posts have been flowing out of me after a long hiatus due to health issues. My intuition and spidey senses seem to be working overtime. Thus this comet is triggering an intuitive message for me as it lights ups Virgo and its archetypes. Here are some intriguing syncs.
When I looked back at the first week of November, it is amazing that on the day before we entered the 7th Day, or the last day of the 6th Night, the space station ISIS took a picture of the Nile, the Milky Way manifested on the earth, glowing in the night.
On Thursday November 4, 2010 I was transfixed by the return of my favorite TV show Fringe. In this episode called Amber 31422 our heroine Olivia jumps into a sensory deprivation tank on psychedelics to shimmer back over to her home universe. At first I couldn't understand why she was dressed in such a diaphanous gown, but when she shifted to the Liberty shop it became apparent. As she shifts to her home world, a snow globe of Lady Liberty breaks symbolizing her imminent release from the confines of her altered programming.
Although the name Olivia is associated with the Greek Goddess Athena, the goddess of wisdom is an appropriation of the older Egyptian Isis. With her modern crown of neurolinks, Olivia is a contemporary expression of this archetype and wave energy trying to return to our world. Be prepared to shimmer and shake.
Another news story concerning the origin of the universe was the latest from CERN: On November 7, 2011 the Large Hadron Collider successfully created a "mini-Big Bang" by smashing together lead ions instead of protons.
CERN's quest for the so-called "god particle" has raised a lot of controversy, especially in conspiracy circles perhaps spurred on by popular movies like Angels and Demons. Some describe the accelerator as a doomsday machine capable of creating black holes that would destroy the planet, while others see it as a secret military project designed to open up star gates or portals to other worlds as in Contact.
I am more conCERNed about what these experiments do on an energetic level. Channeled information in both psychic circles and in the ET community suggest that nuclear explosions create small rips in the fabric of the universe and have allowed energy/beings from other dimensions to flow into the earth. Some believe that ETs are carrying out interventions that prevent these from occurring. So the next news item is especially intriguing.
On Monday, November 8, 2010 a mysterious missile launch off the southern California coast was caught by CBS affiliate KCBS's cameras and the US military claimed it has no idea where it came from. Two days later the Pentagon said it was the contrail from a plane. Many aren't buying it. But perhaps the most fascinating and wild explanation comes from Colleen Thomas. She claims that she hears aliens, the Pleidians, and they told her they destroyed the missile which was launched by the US and directed at Iran, and then another missile which was directed at the aliens.
Wow! The moon was in Mula on Tuesday and I can't help but connect this seemingly delusion (Ketu) blonde to Nritti and the 10 degree Sabian symbol that I described in my last post on Starworlds. Or is she another version of Isis? One symbol for Isis is the circle with horns, the same as the glyph for Taurus, the home of the Pleiades and the galactic anti-center.
So all roads and musing lead back to Isis, and by association Virgo. Comet C/2010 V1 Ikeya Murakami is heading toward the fixed star Spica, the sheath of wheat in the Virgo constellation. What is the message? The connection between Virgo and the creation of the Milky Way seems to be the key. Isis seems to rule over the entire Milky Way from Pleiades and Sirius to the great rift in Sagittarius. Could the upcoming shift be a synchronization of not only our solar system with the galactic center, but our galaxy with the universal center? Could the fruit of the harvest be homo-luminous as described by the Maya, the final stage of the evolution of consciousness described by the Mayan calendar? Stay tuned.
Another wayward missile? See Bizarre Contrail observed in NYC for more.
More Isis imagery? Check out what the Huffington Post link to Hatsune Miku. Another blonde goddess appears -- this time a hologram in concert.
Huge Gamma Ray Bubble Found at the Heart of the Milky Way
From Earthfiles: No one knew until now that huge bubbles emit gamma rays from the galactic center. NASA reports: “As the data from the Earth-orbiting Fermi satellite began accumulating over the past two years, a large and unusual feature toward our Galaxy's center became increasingly evident. The two bubbles are visible together as the red and white spotted oval surrounding the center of the above all sky image released November 9, 2010. The plane of our Galaxy runs horizontally across the image center. The cause of the bubbles is presently unknown, but will likely be researched for years to come.
Sunspot Activity
Sunspot complex 1121-1123 crackling with C-class solar flares, producing more than five such eruptions in the past 24 hours.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Messenger from Virgo - Comet C/2010 V1
Diposkan oleh Become One di 5:45 AM
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