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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Self Build Super Computer, China American Shock


Super Computer made ​​in China, named Tianhe-1A is located at the National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin.
China has successfully built the first supercomputer based microprocessor chip made in China itself. This will surprise the United States as a specialist high-performance computing. The announcement was submitted by the presence of the supercomputer industry organizations and the government of China in Jinan, China, Sunday (10/30/2011).
The new machine called the Sunway Bluelight MPP, has been installed in September 2011 on China's national supercomputing system in Jinan, capital of east China's Shandong province. Sunway System can perform 1,000 trillion calculations per second, which makes this supercomputer into the top 20 fastest computers in the world. Even more important is the supercomputer consists of 8700 mikroposesor Shenwei (SW1600). Microprocessor is designed in a computer institute in China and produced in Shanghai.
"This is a bit of a surprise," said Dr. Jack Dongarra, a computer scientist at the University of Tennessee and project leader of the world's fastest computer list, the TOP500.
Last fall, China had published supercomputers based in China, namely computer Tianhe-1A and K. However, Tianhe built from processor chip made by U.S. companies, namely Intel and Nvidia, although the internal switching system designed by Chinese engineers. Similarly, the Fujitsu-made K computer, designed with the Sparc chip and the initial design started at Sun Mycrosystems in Silicon Valley.
Dr. Dongarra said, Sunway theoretical peak performance of 74 percent faster than the fastest supercomputer United States - Jaguar developed the Department of Energy National Laboratory in Oak Ridge. Supercomputer made by Cray Inc. was listed as the third fastest machine in the world.
To build a supercomputer from existing components, require large amounts of electricity, roughly the equivalent of a nuclear power plant size. However, Dr. Dongarra said the power requirements of the new Chinese supercomputer is relatively small, only about 1 Megawatt, according to a report technician. While supercomputer Tianhe mngkonsumsi approximately 4 Megawatts and Jaguar supercomputer about 7 Megawatts.
According to some experts the U.S. supercomputers, microprocessors Shenwei seems to be based on some design principles are similar to Intel microprocessors. However, engine cooling technology owned by Sunway is questionable compliance with supercomputer-class future.

Photo supercomputer Sunway then answer the question. Photo shows the water cooling system which is a significant advancement in engine design. "This tells me that this supercomputer has a serious design. This design is appropriate for exaflop scale supercomputers. China can win in this case," said Steven Wallach Convey Computer's chief scientist, who also had developed a supercomputer.

Congratulations Road John McCarthy, creator of Lisp Programming Language

John McCarthy, creator of LISP, one computer programming language, dies on Monday (10/24/2011) night. Information obtained from the daughter's death John unofficially and then published by Stanford University.
John is a scientist who won many awards, including the Turing Award from the Association of Computing Machinery (1971), Kyoto Prize (1988), the National Medal of Science (USA, 1991), and the Benjamin Franklin Medal of the Franklin Institute (2003).
John was born in Boston, September 4, 1927. He steeped mathematics as a teenager, using the books used by the California Institute of Technology. Two years later after he was accepted as a student, he managed to get through college quickly. John continued to go to college and received his PhD in mathematics from Princeton University in 1951. He married Vera Watson, programmers and mountaineer who died in 1978.
John became a full professor at Stanford University in 1962 and retired at the end of 2000. John did research about mathematical logic and artificial intelligence. In 1958 he started working on logic programming. In 1959 he developed the LISP programming language which later became the programming language of choice for applications of Al after being published in 1960. John also motivates the manufacture of MAC at MIT, and in 1962 he founded the Stanford laboratory of Al to support the MAC project.
LISP is a programming language family of the leading computer. LISP advantage lies in its ability to manipulate symbols and relationships antarsimbol easily so the language is suitable for use in the field of Artificial Intelligence (artificial intelligence) and decision making. However, this language can also be used to solve other problems.
During its development, LISP produce many variants and is the forerunner of many other languages ​​(such as Logo and Smalltalk). On December 8, 1994 ANSI (American National Standard Institute) managed to standardize LISP, which is named ANSI Common LISP.
LISP is much different than with programming languages ​​such as Pascal and C. After many uses LISP, programmers will be able to see or analyze a problem from a perspective that had not previously been imagined.

Preparing to Go to Ubuntu Smartphone, Tablet, and Smart TV

Ubuntu is more known as a Linux-based operating system for use on a PC or laptop. But starting next year, will Ubuntu can be found in other devices, like smartphones, tablets, and smart TV.

The official announcement of future plans is actually the new Ubuntu will be conducted at the Ubuntu Developer Summit which took place from tomorrow (01/11/2011) in Orlando, USA. However, this information is actually "leak" directly from Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu Linux disro, when interviewed by a journalist from ZDNet.

Mark said, short-term plans to design Ubuntu Ubuntu is 12:04 (which was released in April 2012) as stable as possible and equip it with the Unity desktop interface, so it can meet all the needs of users. After that, the new Canonical will expand from a desktop computer Linux to all types of computing devices (computing devices).

"This is a natural expansion that is consistent with the mission of Ubuntu as the Linux for all mankind. All people will switch from desktop computing to new media, therefore it is important for us to get closer to the communities that use this new medium. So, we will take the challenge of applying Ubuntu on smartphones, tablets, and smart television, "said Mark added.

Ubuntu plans will certainly enliven the competition inter mobile operating current is still struggling between the (Google) Android, Windows Phone, and (Apple) IOS.

Unfortunately, Ubuntu is not the plan will be done in the near future. Mark Shuttleworth says Ubuntu for mobile devices and television will be available in April 2014.

Defeat India Indonesia Contestant

IT Contestants Go Travelers from Indonesia failed to compete with contestants from India. Although Indonesia is getting the most votes online through blogs and social networks, but overall, India was established as the major prize winner and received $ 20 thousand dollars. However, competition is not over. One contestant from Indonesia still had a chance to earn money worth 5000 U.S. dollars and become "Ambassadors Taiwan Excellence".
"Gadget from Taiwan that complements our trip very helpful in capturing, creation and sharing our experiences through blogs and social media"

"We are very proud and impressed with the dedication of the IT Travelers from Indonesia in its participation in this competition. We are confident that through this contest, the contestants are able to experience and share the experience how Taiwan brands make their lives easier and more enjoyable," said Wayne W. . Wu, vice president of TAITRA.
At a press conference at the Decanter Wine House, Plaza Brass, Jakarta contestants share their experiences. "We're exploring the beautiful towns with historical backgrounds and different cultures. Gadget-gadget from Taiwan that complements our trip a great help in the capture, creation and sharing our experiences through blogs and social media," said Arif, one of the contestants .
Contestants IT Travelers Go from 3 countries, namely Indonesia, India, and Vietnam, has gone through two sessions of a total of 3 sessions that they have to undergo. The first session is selected in each country to determine the four representatives who represent their country. The second session is a 21-day trip by 12 contestants from the three countries to visit Indonesia, India, and Vietnam, and ended up in Taiwan. In this second session of the contestants were given supplies gadgets for 2500 U.S. dollars from Taiwan IT brands such as Acer, MSI, Trend Micro, HTC, Genius, Innergie, PQI, Transcend, Optoma, ZyXEL, Apacer, Adata, D-Link, Mio, Thermaltake, Silicon Power, and ASUS. In this second session, India managed to beat Indonesia and Vietnam and received the grand prize worth 20 thousand dollars.
But the struggle is not over. There is still a third session, ie all the contestants back to their respective countries to compete with his own friends. Examples contestants from Indonesia who today officially gone back to Indonesia and tomorrow (05.11.2011) will share their experiences to the people of Indonesia in Taiwan Excellence Experiencing Zone in Mangga Dua Mall, Jakarta. In this session, visitors to the mall to choose their favorite contestant. For visitors who choose to have the opportunity to bring home gadgets Taiwan after raffled.
Contestants from Indonesia came from Yogyakarta (Ivan Loeviano Sukarno and Arif Satrio Pambudi), Bandung (Yasmin), and Pekanbaru (Rahmat Hidayat). After sharing experiences in Jakarta, each contestant will be returned to their towns to create a blog post once again. They are required to write a blog post as many as 1000 to 2000 words which is equipped 5 photos and one video, with the topic "If I Become Ambassadors Taiwan Excellence". After doing a blog post, then online voting will start from 11 to 20 November 2011.
Only one contestant will be the "Ambassador of Taiwan Excellence" from Indonesia and won 5000 dollars cash. Assessment as much as 80 percent comes from the most votes obtained during offline event in the shopping center. The rest, 20 percent based on online voting.

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